Friday, October 2, 2009

Let's get it all out!!!:::atheists and christians....your manifesto's please?

leave out the cut downs.... why are you right and why is the other side wrong. best answer will be chosen based NOTon beliefs of lack there of, but on the validity of your arguments.

insult will cause disqulification!!!!!! this is your chance to vent

i'm hoping to reduce "repeat " Q's

Let's get it all out!!!:::atheists and christians....your manifesto's please?house call

Atheism has no manifesto, per se. There's no canon, no holy writings, because, by definition, atheists don't believe in such things.

Most atheists, I think, reject religion because there is no solid evidence to support it. There are all sorts of arguments that can be made for various religions, and various things can be taken as support for those arguments, but none of it amounts to solid evidence.

If someone had real, solid evidence for the existence of God (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or other), most atheists would accept it and change their thinking. But they won't do that just on someone's say-so.

Let's get it all out!!!:::atheists and christians....your manifesto's please?matchless

It's all faith and nothing but faith.
Simple: when we have no evidence of a thing and evidence has been looked for but none found, then the thing is accepted as non existant. God falls into this category as do unicorns, dragons and mermaids. ---Atheist
my first visit in R%26S I got a freak telling me to repent %26 embrace Dawkins - it inspired me, I aim to prove one way or another that I aint mentally diseased - I shall inform you before I pop me clogs yeah?

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