Friday, October 2, 2009

Why is it...........?

Why in the US do they spell grey with an "a", wear uniform chevrons upside down, omit the "u" in favour and colour, why is a US gallon different from an imperial gallon, and why are they the only country in the world noton the Metric system? Kind of shows a certain self centredness doesn't it?

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Basically, it could be attributed to a digression by the region (ie- the USA) from the root sources (ie- Europe, primarily England) of these items you mentioned.

If you look specifically at language, you'd see differences between the regions within the USA or any other geographical large nation. There is a term for it, but it escapes me at the moment.

As for the Metric system and the chevrons, I think things like that have a lot to do with egocentric behavior. We are a "nation of individuals", so it makes sense that our national policy would reflect a need to be individualistic. Sometimes it's backwards and sometimes it's pigheaded, but you can't argue that we aren't persistent.

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Absolutely! We kicked your limey asses out of here because of your own self-centered point of view. Now we save your ungrateful butts. Bugger off!
Becuase we like to do thing the American Way!!!!

by the way Liberia (in western Africa) and Burma (also known as Myanmar, in Southeast Asia dont use the metric system nad Yemen as well

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