Friday, October 2, 2009

AntiVirus Protection?

I ran into a problem with some viruses on my computer recently. I've run AVG, AdAware, NortonAntiVirus and Spybot Search and Destroy at different times and the problem seems to have been solved, with the exception of my computer starting up very slowly and then internet explorer taking a while to open when launched.

So today I removed NAV and am currently just running Spybot Search and Destroy. Will that provide me adequate protection going forward or should I consider adding something else - something that won't detract from my pc's performance. I've read good things about AVG and didn't know whether I should put that back on again - or something else.


AntiVirus Protection?antivirus protection

Spybot S%26D is a spyware removal tool and can block most spyware before it installs, however, it isn't an antivirus product so if you uninstalled Norton, you need to download antivirus (if the AVG you referred to is the AVG Antispyware).

Here are some free antivirus products.

AVG 7.5 AntiVirus (Vista Compatible)

Avast Home Antivirus (Vista Compatible)

AntiVir PE (Vista Compatible)

( Note: Only use one anti-virus product. Running more than one can cause conflicts thus rendering each ineffective.

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